WILLERS mobi now has a new vehicle design and 4 types of fixed price tickets plan
17 May, 2022

The “mobi” shuttle buses plying in River Valley - Orchard - Newton area is now refreshed with a new vehicle design. The iconic "pink bus" gives a modern look and feel to reflect this one-of-a-kind service concept where the shared shuttles are operated on-demand using AI routing capabilities for first and last mile travels around the area.

Since October 2021, "mobi" has been serving the community living in the area. It is a convenient, safe and sustainable mobility solution as residents can enjoy easy and affordable travels for short distance destinations. Additionally, to provide a more equitable service for different types of users, 4-types of fixed price tickets plan were rolled out to replace the 1-type unlimited plan, so users can enjoy better flexibility and opt in for a plan which suits their travel needs and patterns the most.

On top of easy, affordable mobility access, "mobi" also partners with co-working spaces, restaurants, shopping malls, fitness centers, hair salons etc where "mobi" members enjoy additional values and discounts in nearby locations after alighting from the nearby mobi stop.

For more information about “mobi” fixed price tickets plan, visit https://willers.com.sg/mobi

For more information about “mobi” member privilege, visit https://willers.com.sg/mobi/memberprivilege

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