05 February, 2021
Keihanna (Kyoto, Japan), 05 February 2021 - WILLER Inc and partners launch autonomous vehicle pilot trial in Keihanna, Kyoto to promote the health and economic revitalization of local regions that allows for safe travel amidst the pandemic.
Recently, the slowdown of local economy in Japan has become a great challenge due to the transition from everyday outings to telecommuting and more time spent at home in light of the current pandemic. For this pilot trial, we aim to provide a safe mobility service, promote health level of local residents as well as the revitalization of economy with the “Keihanna Model”.
Specifically, we will provide services for the elderly and telecommuters, combining local programs such as health programs and comfortable teleworking environment with mobility, to provide a new mobility service tailored to different purposes, instead of having autonomous vehicle replacing existing transportation.
Last December, we conducted a technical trial for self-driving vehicle to verify the safety level and the needs for this operation plan. In this pilot trial, we aim to understand the service model, especially on operation cost, public acceptability, convenience level, and business viability.
Through this pilot trial, we aim to establish a new business model that can contribute to the local community, as well as providing new transportation services to solve the driver shortages challenge due to the high aging population and declining birthrate in Japan.
Route :
The self-driving vehicle will run along a 4.8km route, in the residential area of Seikadai and Keihanna Memorial Park.
From Keihanna Memorial Park to Keihanna Plaza Hotel, bicycle sharing service will be available to promote health improvement.
Service Plans :
・ Plan for the elderly : 16th (Tue) to 19th (Fri) February
Self-driving vehicle ride with fitness program by a professional trainer
(A fitness app will be provided to allow you to exercise continuously, after the program)
・ Plan for telecommuters: 13th (Sat) and 14th (Sun) February
Self-driving vehicle ride and bicycle sharing service, with fitness program by a professional trainer, as well as telework experience in a hotel room
(A fitness app will be provided to allow you to exercise continuously, after the program)
For full article in Japanese :